
Have you ever heard of a drabble? I learned about them from a couple of ladies in the writers group I go to. A drabble is a hundred-word story. It has to be like a normal story—containing a beginning, middle, and end—but told in one hundred words. Most people don’t count the title as one of the hundred words.

It’s an interesting exercise, and not as easy as it may sound. I tried writing some after learning about them. I decided to share one that I wrote a while back. Here it is!


They were having a stare-down again, standing close to each other, eye to eye. One shifted weight and the other tensed up, waiting for something to happen. The younger one was bigger than the older one now, but they could still look each other in the eye. The older lifted one foot and crouched down a bit and the younger one leaned forward. Finally the tension broke and they both bolted for the other side of the yard, jumping, leaping, barking, and wrestling with each other. They slowed, stood panting, stared at each other, and began all over again.

I hope this might inspire you to try something different! Maybe you will even want to try your hand at a drabble or two.


And life is too much like a pathless wood

